Day 2 DevOps Overview

Day 2 DevOps Overview

AWS, EC2, Eksctl, Kubectl & Load Balance

Today I Have Integrated Kubernetes with AWS ELB.
Amazon Web Services Elastic Load Balancer

Two types of hypervisors of AWS:- XEN & Nitro

( OS + Physical hardware = EC2 ) + docker engine = docker host.

Disadvantage of docker = If the Operating System crashes then it will not create automatically again, there are two methods for that manual and automation.

Polyglot = One Application: This is running with different components using different languages.

A resilient setup is one in which there is no or minimum downtime for servers.

Automation of two types = Program & Command line,

Loops are of two types = Iterative & Recursive

Hybrid multi-cloud, cluster = master + slave.

EKS for Windows = eksctl.

COE Tool is Kubernetes, which is a Container orchestration engine

o wide = gives ip address of all pods

If you want a private load balancer then you can use a Private Load Balancer named ClusterIP.

All The Kubernetes Commands I Used Today:-

eksctl create a cluster - name lwcluster
kubectl get nodes
kubectl create deployment myweb - image=vimal13/apache-webserver-php
kubectl get pods
kubectl delete pod myweb-59f99ddd48-tx97w
kubectl get deployment
kubectl delete deployment myweb
kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get services
kubectl expose deployment myweb - type LoadBalancer - port 80 - target-port 80
kubectl get svc
Kubectl get deploy
kubectl get deployment myweb - replicas=1
eksctl delete cluster - name lwcluster

For Public Load Balancer there are two options:-
NodePort is of Kubernetes but it is not having a good network throughput.
External Load Balancer, like LoadBalancer of AWS.

Kubernetes supports a round-robin algorithm to distribute network traffic and not the Canary Release Method.